Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Option Buttons

Excel VBA option buttons are the same as checkboxes except that option buttons are dependent on each other while checkboxes are not. This means that when you check one option button the other option button will automatically uncheck.

Draw an Option Button

Excel 2010 and Excel 2007 users. Click on Insert from the Developer tab and then click on Option Button in the ActiveX Controls section.
Create Excel VBA Option Buttons in Excel 2010 or Excel 2007
Excel 2003 users. Click on Option Button from the Control ToolBox.
Create an Excel VBA Option Button in Excel 2003
1. Draw two option buttons on your worksheet.
Excel VBA Option Buttons Example
2. You can change the captions of the option buttons by right clicking on the option button and then clicking on Properties and Caption (make sure Design Mode is selected).
3. You can change the name of the option button by right clicking on the option button and then clicking on Properties and Name. For now we will leave OptionButton1 and OptionButton2 as the names of the option buttons.

Refer to Option Button in your Code

To refer to a option button in your Excel VBA code, execute the following steps:
1. Right click on the first option button. Click on View Code. Add the following code line:
Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()

If OptionButton1.Value = True Then Range("D3").Value = 30

End Sub

2. Right click on the second option button. Click on View Code. Add the following code line:

Private Sub OptionButton2_Click()

If OptionButton2.Value = True Then Range("D3").Value = 50

End Sub

3. Exit the Visual Basic Editor and click on the option buttons.
Click on the first Option Button Click on the second Option Button
You will see that when you check the 'Female' option button the 'Male' option button will automatically uncheck and vice versa.

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